Beautiful Dental Crowns Give You a Fully Restored Tooth

Dental crowns are tooth shaped caps that are permanently attached to a tooth to protect it from damage, stop dental pain, and provide a beautiful replacement that fits in with your smile.
There are a lot of reasons why you might want a dental crown, both cosmetic and medical. If a tooth has a deep crack that's causing you pain when you eat and drink, a dental crown can make that pain stop. A broken or odd-looking tooth that interrupts the beauty of your smile can be restored with a natural looking porcelain crown, as well.
Don’t have dental insurance? No problem! At Lake Lanier Smiles, you can now get a dental crown for the low price of $699-799 with no additional lab fees. We are your affordable Buford, GA dentist, and we guarantee you excellent quality dentistry at prices you can afford.
How it Works
Dental crowns take two appointments. At the first appointment, we will conduct a basic exam and take x-rays to make sure the tooth is a good candidate for a dental crown. Next, we will prepare the tooth for the crown by removing a small amount of enamel to make room for the crown. If the tooth has suffered decay, we will remove the decayed tooth matter and bacteria and make sure the tooth is thoroughly cleaned. After the tooth has been prepared, we take a dental impression that will be sent to the lab that will construct your crown.
Before you leave the first appointment you will be fitted with a temporary crown to protect the tooth until the permanent crown is ready. This temporary crown is not meant for long-term use, and should be treated gently, i.e., don’t use it to bite down on hard crunchy foods that may knock it out of place. If the temporary crown becomes dislodged, the tooth will be very sensitive, so do your best to keep it intact while you wait for your second appointment. If your temporary crown comes loose, call our office right away and we will advise you of the best way to proceed!
At the second appointment, your permanent crown will be attached to the tooth. This crown can last you many, many years if you treat it with care and don’t use it to bite or chew hard non-food items or grind your teeth.
What Are Dental Crowns Made From?
Crowns can be made from metal, porcelain, or porcelain-fused-to-metal (PFM). Your dentist at Lake Lanier Smiles will advise you of the best material for your needs. You may think that porcelain doesn’t sound like a very strong material, but dental porcelain is different. It is made to be extremely durable, and is not vulnerable to tooth decay as natural enamel is. It also beautifully mimics the appearance of tooth enamel and will blend in naturally with your smile.
How Long Do Dental Crowns Last?
Dental crowns have an official life-span on 5-15 years, but have been known to last up to 25 years or more with careful use and regular dental care. If you maintain a regular schedule of preventive six-month dental appointments at Lake Lanier Smiles, we will check your crown regularly and let you know if it shows signs of damage or hard use.
Crowns are Permanent
It’s important to understand that dental crowns are considered a permanent treatment. What this means is that once you get a tooth crowned, the tooth will not be healthy unless it has a crown. You cannot go back to not having a crown. For most patients, this is not a problem, as their crowns last for many years and replacement is as easy as the initial crowning. Most patients love their dental crowns are glad to have their smiles restored with this easy and beautiful treatment.
At Lake Lanier Smiles, we are currently offering a special on dental crowns for $699-799 for patients with no dental insurance. We would love to give you a beautiful dental crown to repair and protect your tooth for years to come. Call our Buford, GA dental office today at 770-831-0559 for an appointment!