Peach Smiles proudly serves patients in Lawrenceville, Lilburn, Duluth, and the surrounding communities
4825 Sugarloaf Pkwy A
Lawrenceville, GA 30044
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Root Canal Therapy

Root Canal Therapy
Root Canal Offer
$300 OFF
Emergency Exam
$300 OFF

Root Canal Treatment Special

  • New Patients Only
  • Non Insured Patients
  • Cannot Combine With Other Coupons
OFFER EXPIRES 2025-03-31

Root Canal Treatment is relatively a simple procedure to save the diseased tooth or damaged tooth. In the past an infected tooth needs to be pulled but now a days due to advancements in technology made root canal treatment easier, quicker, pain less and affordable.

What Is Root Canal Treatment?

Root canal treatment is a procedure where the infected nerve inside the tooth root is removed and replaced with a compatible material to seal the tooth.

Why Root Canal Treatment Is Done?

In an infected tooth, the damaged, inflamed and infected nerve can cause pain or abscess. It can damage the bone around the tooth and also detrimental to overall health. So it is imperative that the infected nerve need to be removed by Root canal treatment.

How Do I Know if I Need a Root Canal Treatment?

It is best that the dentist at Peach Smiles takes X –Rays and do an exam to find out if a tooth needs Root Canal Treatment. But there are some signs like:

  • Pain
  • Swelling
  • Tooth Discoloration
  • Tenderness in the gums
  • Altered sensations to cold and hot temperatures

NOTE: In some cases, a chronic infected tooth may not be painful but still needs a root canal.

What Is the Procedure Involved in Root Canal Treatment?

Root canal Treatment can be done in 1 visit or more visits depending on the infection in the pulp.

  1. The dentist will do X-Rays and exam to diagnose and treatment plan
  2. Root canal treatment alternates and informed consent is given
  3. The dentist will numb the tooth and remove the infected nerve/pulp
  4. The canals are cleaned and shaped
  5. The canals are sealed
  6. A permanent filling is done on the top

What Is the Cost of a Root Canal Treatment?

Generally the cost of a Root Canal Procedure depends on the position of the tooth and number of roots in a tooth.

At Peach Smiles we offer a $500 discount for non-insured patients. Please go to our specials page and print the coupon before you come for the appointment.

Root Canal Treatment and Filling

Our patient came with severe pain in the lower right side. On examination with Dental X-Rays it needed Root Canal Treatment. Patient wanted to save the tooth and get out of pain right away. We comfortably did RCT and got the patient out of pain. We did a cosmetic filling to cover the hole. We always advise to get Crown on all Back teeth once RCT is done. Due to time patient scheduled for Dental Crown on next visit.

Patient was very satisfied that we are able to take care of the patient same day.

Frequently Asked Questions

Most of the dental insurances cover RCT. But our insurance coordinator will check the coverage and let you know what percentage is covered and what the out of pocket expense is.

An infected tooth might cause severe pain, swelling, tender lymph nodes or fever which might need immediate attention. Please call any Lawrenceville Dentist or Peach Smiles to get in the office to see the dentist as soon as possible.

Depending on the damage of the tooth or discoloration, a crown might be necessary.

Some soreness might be expected but the dentist will prescribe any pain medications or you can use OTC pain medications.

Depending on the situation of the infection, the dentist may prescribe antibiotics to heal the infection.
